Coach Tim Adams Two-Day Training Camp

$2,497.00 USD

Coach Tim Adams Two-Day Training Camp

The Coach Tim Adams Two-Day Training Camp is designed to be experiential.  The two days are designed around the natural rhythms of the day, your body, and your energy systems.  You will experience how to manage your work bouts in order to maximize your efficiency and productivity.



  • 8am Check-in /Registration
  • 9-11am Workout at field/gym/facility
  • 12-5: Class Room
  • We will start with a morning workout session designed to teach you the exercises and program. 
  • Day one is designed to identify your baseline.  You have to know where you are in order to ensure your vehicle is pointed in the right direction.
  • We will learn how to take care of the body utilizing a variety of different tools so that you can minimize your pain, improve joint mobility, and enhance the stability of your structure so you can ultimately handle more load…physically, mentally and emotionally.



  • 8-10am Workout at field/gym/facility
  • 11-5: Class Room
  • Day two is designed to expand your engine.  We will start with a morning workout session designed to upregulate your nervous system.  We will dig into how to take care of your body through proper lifestyle routines and give you practical tips on how to incorporate them into your daily routines.
  • You will walk away with the tools to help you take care of yourself.  There will be no more excuses that you can not do something because you have pain, or you don’t know how to do the exercise…you will perform each exercise in the Eleven Minute Routines so you know exactly how to do them. 
  • The two days is filled with the tools, techniques, and methodologies Tim has been using for the past 25 years to help his clients get to the top and stay at the top.  Now you get access to the very same coaching

For a limited time we are offering this program for $2,497.00 compared to the original value of $4,997.00.

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I have read and agree to the Coach Tim Adams LLC, terms, conditions, and event terms.   By registering for a live event you waive your right to receive a full refund of your purchase, including if your within the 30-day guarantee window of your initial product purchase.

I understand that by registering myself or my guest, I understand there is a strict no-show penalty.  I am absolutely 100% sure and committed I will attend.  Otherwise, I understand you lose a $4,997 seat and someone else who could have attended is denied that opportunity.  If I do register and fail to attend, then I will be charged a $500 no-show fee.  If I register a guest and they do not show, I will also be billed $500 no-show fee for them.